
UNH recognizes the importance of providing students an environment in which they are comfortable, 安全, 并受到欢迎——包括考虑室友的性别认同. For this purpose, we have 性别包容住房 options available 穿过校园. 在这些空间里, students may choose to share a room with someone of any 性别 identity that is most comfortable and appropriate to them.

  • 二十五个人中 学生宿舍总共21个大厅 校园公寓(山墙 & Woodside) 将空间分类为“flex性别" (这些空间不为任何特定性别指定). 灵活空间可供选择的学生使用 性别包容住房. At this time, Christensen, Hitchcock, and Lord do not offer flex性别 spaces.  
  • Fifteen out of the twenty-one 学生宿舍 offering flex性别 spaces have a 性别 inclusive bathroom(s) in the community. If you are interested in living in a hall with a 性别 inclusive bathroom, please reference 下面是可用的列表

校园里几乎到处都有灵活的性别空间, two themed communities (click on the links below) are designated for 性别包容住房. All students who live within these themed communities have opted into 性别包容住房 and agree to the communities' terms.




It's simple - students that are interested in living in a 性别 inclusive space can choose this option (select 性别包容住房) within their 住宅应用程序. Selecting 性别包容住房 will allow the applicant to see all available flex性别 rooms and form a group with other students who have joined 性别包容住房, 不管他们的性别认同如何.

  1. 在住房申请的“室友匹配”页面上, 申请人只需要在提示时单击复选标记.
  2. 学生可以阅读并接受社区协议, 以及添加他们的代词和其他相关信息.
  3. 申请人可填写一份“室友集团“与其他学生一起,只属于性别包容住房的一部分.
  4.  在选择过程中, roommate groups can choose any flex性别 space or areas specifically designated for 性别包容住房.

额外的信息 & 常见问题

  • 一旦房间或套房被指定为混合性别, 在学年期间,它将保持男女混合. 如有空缺, the remaining resident is given an opportunity to pull in a roommate of their choosing, 在特定的时间范围内(通常是48小时). 然后,室友匹配的正常住房过程就发生了.
  • The University encourages students to discuss their housing assignments with their parents/guardians before selecting 性别-inclusive housing. 所有学生都可以签订自己的住房合同. 一般来说, students are not released from signed housing contracts due to changes in preferences.
  • The University will not require any student to disclose the nature of their interest in 性别包容住房. However, UNH strongly discourages the use of this option for romantic relationships.

All restrooms specified below offer full bathroom amenities including shower, sink, and toilet. There are many additional 性别 inclusive single-use restrooms throughout our residential buildings that are simply labeled “restroom” that offer a sink and toilet, 但是不要提供淋浴.


此外,UNH提供了一个列表 性别包容厕所 穿过校园. 你也可以把它看作是一张地图. UNH is constantly evaluating new locations to implement 性别包容厕所, 因为他们对社区里的每个人都有好处. We hope that your visit to this site marks the beginning of a conversation, not the end! 如果你有其他问题, 想法或担忧, 我们希望通过电子邮件收到您的来信, 通过电话, 或者亲自去.

With few exceptions, UNH students can choose to live anywhere they like on campus! Students self-selecting housing can assign themselves with roommates regardless of biological sex, 性别, 或者性别认同,当他们选择 性别包容住房 在房屋申请中.

As part of 性别包容住房, applicants can choose to identify their 性别 identity. This will be visible on their public profile during their search for roommates. Applicants can also choose to publish the 性别 identity they are most comfortable rooming with. 

住房 and 住宅生活 are committed to ensuring that UNH’s residential communities are a 安全 and supportive environment for lesbian, 同性恋, 双性恋, 跨性别和质疑学生发现, 学习和成长. Our staffs are here to promote the academic and personal success of all our students. 你是否是盟友, 外出的学生, 或者是没出去的人, 以下是UNH的一些资源: 博雷加德中心UNH联盟网站. 参观联合国安全地带 跨性别/性别认同资源页 有关更多信息,请访问健康教育、支持团体和新闻.

You may indicate a preferred first name that will appear in internal documents to UNH. 请访问注册官处 更喜欢改名 site to make this request and see the places where preferred first name will automatically change within UNH's systems.

住房 & 住宅生活 are committed to creating communities that are inclusive and supportive of LGBTQA+ students. 我们雇用具有包容性的员工, 我们提供教育和庆祝多样性的项目, and we have a protocol in place to address prejudice incidents in the halls.

Each residence hall and apartment has a full-time Residence Hall Director or Apartment Manager who lives in the building and is responsible for making the hall a vibrant, 尊重, 社区教育. We also provide extensive diversity training to our student hall staff (RAs/CAs). We educate residents about a variety of topics and diversity is high on our list of priorities. 我们的目标是鼓励学生探索和庆祝多样性. 我们的员工在大厅里积极对抗反同性恋情绪. We simply won’t tolerate this type of behavior whether it is written or verbal. 我们意识到我们不一定能改变人们的信仰, 然而, any acts of prejudice directed at under-represented groups in our community will not be tolerated.

更多信息: 陆法瑞尔, Associate Director of  the Beauregard Center and Coordinator of LGBTQA+ Initiatives